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Thursday, April 14, 2005

3:23 PM - About the videos

A few people are having problems accessing the video files, specifically they are having a codec not found issue and video not loading.

1. Codec

I encode all videos in MPEG4 (Xvid codec), thus that's what you'd need to play these, they are all standard complaint MPEG4 videos with MP3 audio.

This codec can be downloaded from the following website. Specially you will need the decoder binary, unless you want to encode something.

2. Video not loading.

The videos are currently stored on putfile.com, who give 10 mb of free hosting per video. Which is pretty nice. My videos are usually around 10mb, thus that is a lot to download (from a moderately slow site). These videos are not streamed, but downloaded, so you will need to click the link to the video and keep that window open till the video is downloaded and windows media palyer starts to play it.

3. Keeping a local copy of the videos.

Put file doesn't allow direct links to the videos, but depending on your web browser you may already have a copy of the video on your harddisk (as long as you've viewed it once).

For Mozilla Firebird, the path were videos are stored is:

C:\Documents and Settings\[Your User Name]\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\default.adm\Cache

Look through there for big files, drag and drop them into your media player, if they turn out to be some of the videos given here, just rename them to something.avi and everthing should work.

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now I can watch them, great movies, now only someone need to sell me the game.



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